Characteristics of the reader of the Holy Quran
It seems that Muslims are able recite the Qur’an, but if we inquire if they know what they recite, not a few say “no.” Those who have memorized the Qur’an have accomplished a major feat. The complete recital, depending on the pace, takes many hours. Yet not a few of those who have memorized it possess little knowledge of what they memorized. How can this be? It is not uncommon to meet among the Muslims even older people who say: “I know how to recite the Qur’an, but I do not understand it.” How can someone “know how to recite” the Qur’an and “not understand it” at the same time? Is it possible to recite without comprehension? If a person can merely reproduce the sounds of a language without knowing what he is saying, what kind of knowledge does such a person have? Mere reproduction of the sounds of a text without knowledge of the meaning is limited knowledge Worship is due to God alone Muslims believe that there is just one God, the Almighty God. The one-ness of God (Tawheed) is t...