What is the definition of The Holy Quran?

 The Holy Qur’an is a document that is squarely aimed at man; indeed, it calls itself "guidance for mankind" “hudan lil-nas” al-Baqarah: 185 and numerous equivalents elsewhere.

Yet, the term Allah, the proper name for God, occurs well over 2,500 times in the Qur’an (not to count the terms al-Rabb, The Lord, and al-Rahman, The Merciful, which, although they signify qualities, have nevertheless come to acquire substance). Still, Allah’s existence the Qur’an, is strictly functional—He is Creator and Sustainer of the universe and of man, and particularly the giver of guidance for man and He who judges man, individually and collectively, and metes out to him merciful justice.

What is The Holy Quran?

The Quran is the literal, spoken Word of Allah revealed to the last Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of Allah be upon him, through Gabriel, the Angel of Revelation, transmitted to us by numerous channels, in both verbally and in written form. It’s unique, it’s divinely protected from all corruption. God says “Indeed, it is We who sent down the message and indeed, We will be its guardian.” (Quran 15:9)

The literally Arabic word, ‘Quran,’ means both ‘recitation’ and ‘reading’. Similarly, the Quran was both recited orally and written down in book form. 

The true power of the Quran remains in the oral recitation, as it is meant to be read aloud and melodiously, but still the verses written down on materials as an aid to memorizing and guarding it, and these were collected and arranged in book form both privately and, at a later stage, institutionally.

Another important point to keep in mind is that, the Quran was not revealed in one sitting, but rather it was revealed in parts over a span of 23 years.

Many passages were sent down as responses to specific events.  Often, the Quranic revelation would come from the angel Gabriel to Prophet Muhammad to answer questions raised by unbelievers. 

The Quran addresses these unbelievers, the People of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), humanity at large, believers, and, finally, the Prophet himself - commanding him what to do in a certain situation or solacing him in the face of ridicule and rejection. We can know the historical and social context of revelation as the meanings clarified in the text itself.

How is The Quran Organized?

The Quran is composed of 114 parts or chapters of unequal length. Each chapter is called a “surah” in Arabic and each sentence or phrase of the Quran is called an ayah, literally a sign. These verses are not standard in length and where each begins and ends was not decided by human beings, but dictated by God. 

Each one is a discrete act of locution of closed signification, or ‘sign’, denoted by the word ayah in Arabic.  All surahs, except one, begin with basmalah, ‘I begin with the Name of Allah, the Most-Merciful, the Compassionate.’ Each surah has a name that usually relates to a central theme within it.

For example, the longest surah, Surah al-Baqarah, or “The Cow”, is named after the story of Moses commanding the Jews to sacrifice a cow, which begins by God saying: “And remember Moses said to his people: ‘Allah commands that you sacrifice a cow.’” (Quran 2:67)

Since the various chapters are of various lengths, the Quran was divided by scholars of the first century after the death of the Prophet Muhammad, into thirty roughly equal parts, each part is called a juza’ in Arabic.

This division of the Quran was done for people to memorize or read it in a more organized style, and it has no influence on the original structure, as they are mere marks on the sides of the pages denoting the part.

In the month of fasting, Ramadan, one juza’ is usually recited every night, and the entire Quran is completed by the end of the month.

Some Qualities of the Holy Quran

Allah says: “There shall come to you guidance from Me, and whosoever follows My guidance no fear shall be on them, neither shall they sorrow.” The Quran is Allah’s greatest blessing for you. It is the fulfillment of His promise to Adam and his descendants. It is the only means to overpower your fear and anxiety. It is the only light, brings you from the darkness, with it, you find your way to success and salvation. 

It is the only healing (shifaa’) for your inner sicknesses, as well as the social ills that may surround you. The Prophet Muhammad said, “The Quran is an intercessor and its intercession is accepted and its plea is believed. Whoever makes it lead him - it leads him to Paradise and whomever places it behind him the result will be, he is dragged to the Fire.” The Prophet Muhammad said, “You must engage in Remembrance of Allah and the recitation of His Book, for it is light for you on earth and (a means by which) you will be mentioned in the Heavens.”

The Quran is a reminder

The Quran is a constant reminder of your nature and destiny, of your station, your duties, your rewards, your perils. It is the only way to come nearer and closer to your Creator.

It tells you who is Allah, His attributes, how He rules over the cosmos and history, how He relates to you, and how you should relate to Him, to yourself, to your fellow men and to other existence.

The rewards that await you here are surely many, increasing manifold in the Hereafter, but what awaits you at the end of the road, promises Allah in the Hadith Qudsi, (Hadith Qudsi are the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) as revealed to him by the Almighty Allah) : “What no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no heart has ever conceived”, and Abu Hurairah adds, “Read if you wish: ‘No human being can imagine what joys are being kept hidden for them in reward for all that they did.’ (Quran 32:17)

Roles of the student of Quran 

The student of Quran must "listen" to what the Qur’an has to say: "Who is humble before the unseen and brings with him a heart such that it can respond [when the truth hits it]" (50.Qaf:33)

"It is a reminder to him/her who has a heart and surrenders his/her ears in witnessing" (50.Qaf:37)

"These people are [as though] they are being called from a long distance" (41.Fussilat:44). 

Yet God is not so far that His signals cannot be heard: "We created man and We know what the negative whisperings of his mind are and We are nearer to him than his jugular vein!" (50.Qaf:16).

Of the things that help to memorize the Quran, Reading to an elaborated Quran Teacher, because correcting mistakes takes precedence over memorizing the Qur’an, and it is incumbent on the learner of Quran to realize that he is exposed to mistaken, and his duty when mistakes occur, to learn the correct way of reading, and master what his sheikh or Quran teacher teaches him.

So that It’s worth mentioning (Wahion Youha) is An Online Quran Academy, Where You can:

Learn From The Comfort Of Your Home Or At Work – Only A Mic, PC And Internet Are Required.

All Levels And Ages Of Students Are Welcome.

You Can Choose Any Teacher, Male Or Female, To Teach You Or Your Kids No Problem In Shaa Allah.

They Teach Individuals (1 To 1 Tuition) And Organisations (On Request) And You Will Find It Difficult To Find More Competitive Lesson Prices On The Internet, Yet their Quality Of Teachers Is Outstanding


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